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Join us this Sunday, September 27th at 10AM for worship on this 17th Sunday After Pentecost. We will be moving our worship to the Zoom format so that we may have more member participation with reading lessons and special music! You can also continue to join us on Facebook Live at 10AM if you prefer.

Today’s worship service will include virtual Holy Communion. If you would like to participate in communion, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead us in speaking the words of institution together. The virtual bulletin can be found in the link below which includes the lessons and hymns. Following the service, we will have a Virtual Fellowship time via Zoom. Join Us! All Are Welcome!

09-27-2020.17thSundayAfterPentecost.Virtual Bulletin


September 27, 2020
10:00 am - 10:45 am
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