Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilts – October 21, 2020

Here's a great way you can make a difference. Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilts is once again collecting NEW quilts to donate to recipients around the world. Read the flyer for specific details on the size they must be as well as what symbols/colors to avoid. Quilts can be dropped off at our Hill Avenue...

Grace Food Shelf

Every Saturday from 9:30am to 11:30am, Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran Church hands out bags of food to families and homeless in need. For those without cooking facilities, we have bags containing food with pop-top lids. If you would like to support the ministry of the Grace Food Shelf, you can send checks made out to...

Grace Food Shelf

Every Saturday from 9:30am to 11:30am, Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran Church hands out bags of food to families and homeless in need. For those without cooking facilities, we have bags containing food with pop-top lids. If you would like to support the ministry of the Grace Food Shelf, you can send checks made out to...