Join us this Sunday, April 26th at 10AM for the Third Sunday of Easter worship on Facebook Live. This service will include virtual Holy Communion so if you would like to participate, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead us in speaking the words of institution...
Join us for Sunday Worship on Facebook Live at 10AM. The virtual bulletin is provided for you to follow along with hymns and readings. All are welcome. We look forward to this time of worship and reflection with you. 05.03.20 Easter 4 Virtual Bulletin
Join us this Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th at 10AM for the Fifth Sunday of Easter worship on Facebook Live. This service will include virtual Holy Communion so if you would like to participate, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead us in speaking the words...
Join us for Sunday Worship on Facebook Live at 10AM. The virtual bulletin is provided for you to follow along with hymns and readings. All are welcome. We look forward to this time of worship and reflection with you. 05.17.20 Easter 6 Virtual Bulletin
Join us this Sunday, May 24th at 10AM for Ascension of our Lord Sunday worship on Facebook Live. This is the first of the three high holy Sundays. This service will include virtual Holy Communion so if you would like to participate, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor...
Join us on Facebook Live this Sunday, May 31st at 10AM for Pentecost Sunday. This is the second of the three high holy Sundays. This service will include virtual Holy Communion so if you would like to participate, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead us...