Join us this Sunday, February 28th at 10AM for worship on this Second Sunday In Lent. Worship with us on Zoom or Facebook Live. Today’s worship service will include virtual Holy Communion. If you wish to participate in communion, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Guest Pastor Tom Ford...
Join us each Wednesday in Lent at 7PM for a mid-week evening virtual service via Zoom and Facebook Live. Pastor Zach Johnson will lead us on Wednesday, March 3rd. We will be using the Holden Evening Prayer service each week which can be printed out once and reused each week. We have a two pages...
Join us this Sunday, March 7th at 10AM for worship on this Third Sunday In Lent. Worship with us on Zoom or Facebook Live. Today’s worship service will include virtual Holy Communion. If you wish to participate in communion, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead...
Come join us for some music fellowship playing Piano via Zoom! All skill levels are welcome. There is no cost. We will practice pieces on our own, then come together for some fun and listen to each other play. All are welcome! Topic: Get your FINGERS moving! Piano 101 Time: Second Wednesday of every month...
Join us each Wednesday in Lent at 7PM for a mid-week evening virtual service via Zoom and Facebook Live. Pastor Zach Johnson will lead us on Wednesday, March 10th. We will be using the Holden Evening Prayer service each week which can be printed out once and reused each week. We have a two pages...
Join us this Sunday, March 14th at 10AM for worship on this Fourth Sunday In Lent. Worship with us on Zoom or Facebook Live. Today’s worship service will include virtual Holy Communion. If you wish to participate in communion, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead...
Join us each Wednesday in Lent at 7PM for a mid-week evening virtual service via Zoom and Facebook Live. Pastor Zach will lead us on Wednesday, March 17th. We will be using the Holden Evening Prayer service each week which can be printed out once and reused each week. There is a two-pages per sheet...
Join us this Sunday, March 21st at 10AM for worship on this Fifth Sunday In Lent. Worship with us on Zoom or Facebook Live. Today’s worship service will include virtual Holy Communion. If you wish to participate in communion, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead...
Join us this Sunday afternoon for a Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran Church virtual Lenten Musicale! The concert features Grace Lee on organ, Bob Menzies on piano along with our singers Douglas Shabe, Michelle Tune, Claire Fedoruk and Scott Swink. This concert is via Zoom. Invite a friend or two to enjoy. All are welcome! The...
Join us this Wednesday at 7PM for a mid-week evening virtual service via Zoom and Facebook Live. This will be the final Wednesday evening service. The following week is Passion Week and we will have services on the evenings of Maundy Thursday (4/1) and Good Friday (4/2). Pastor Zach will lead us on Wednesday, March...
Join us this Sunday, March 28th at 10AM for worship on this Palm Sunday. Worship with us on Zoom or Facebook Live. Today’s worship service will include virtual Holy Communion. If you wish to participate in communion, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead us in...
Join us this Thursday, April 1st at 7PM for virtual worship on this Maundy Thursday. Worship with us on Zoom or Facebook Live. This evening’s worship service will include virtual Holy Communion. If you wish to participate in communion, please have some bread (your choice) and wine or grape juice available. Pastor Zach will lead...
Join us this Friday, April 2nd at 7PM for virtual worship on this Good Friday. Worship with us on Zoom or Facebook Live. The virtual bulletin can be found in the link which includes the lessons and hymns. 04.02.2021.HAGLC Worship.Good Friday.Virtual Bulletin Join Us! All are welcome! Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran Church is inviting you...